Consultants in Education

Grades K - 12

Frank Cunningham Consultancy comprises of a team of highly experienced Education Consultants.

The team has expertise in Professional Development in ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science and Special Education.

Common Core Standards, Instructional Shifts and Danielson’s Teacher Effectiveness Rubric is our focus.

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Frank Cunningham, Founder

Innovative and Progressive

Leading Professional Development

What's Happening at MS/PS34



Frank Cunningham is founder and president of Literacy and Math Matters, an educational consultancy business, with a team who have worked in New York City for over 10 years. Frank has worked in my school for over the past eight years and I can vouch for the fact that he makes a difference.
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Dr. Ramon Gonzalez
Principal of The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology (grades 6 to 12)
Literacy Math Matters Consultants have worked in our school for the past 6 years. They have worked with teachers at all levels to develop a cohesive curriculum that is engaging and allows students to think deeply and problem solve using real life scenarios. They support teachers by focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses and by providing practical tools and strategies to move their practice forward.
Anna Maria Mule
Principal of Cobble Hill School of American Studies

Consultants in Education

Elementary – K to 5, Middle – 6 to 8 and High – 9 to 12