
6th: Eastern and Western Hemispheres

7th, 8th: US History, Pre-Columbian – Present

9th: Global I and II

10th: Global III and IV

11th: US History, Pre-Columbian – Present

12th: Civics and Economics

NYC History Electives

Professional Development

  • Aligning Curriculum Maps and Unit Plans to the Common Core
  • Unpacking Danielson’s Teacher Effectiveness Rubric
  • Data Analysis and Use of data to target individual students’ needs
  • Creating and delivering rich Performance Based Assessments
  • On-site Training and Co-teaching
  • Modeling lessons
  • Planning and preparing lessons with teachers
  • Observing and debriefing with a focus on pedagogy related to the instructional shifts
  • Inquiry Work
  • Conceptualizing the delivery of new material

  • Focus Areas
    Social Studies 6-12
    Common Core Alignment
    Literacy in Social Studies
    Research and Performance Based Tasks